Dr. Welterlin

Clinical Experience

Dr. Aurelie Welterlin has been in private practice since 2010. She has extensive training and experience evaluating and supporting autistic individuals from birth through adulthood. She is well versed in associated conditions such as anxiety, depression, executive dysfuction, ADHD, Tourette’s, etc. 


Prior to private practice, Dr. Welterlin worked at the UNC Autism Center (TEACCH) in a variety of roles including diagnostic lead, treatment provider, employment specialist, trainer and consultant. She has also had a wide range of experience with the general population, providing her with an in depth understanding of neurotypical developmental standards. 

Dr. Welterlin also has advanced training in Applied Behavior Analysis (but does not practice “ABA”), Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Emotion Focused Therapy. She is trauma-informed and has a special interest in diversity and inclusion.

Education & Training

Dr. Welterlin earned a B.A. in Psychology with highest honors and a minor in Anthropology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and her Doctoral Level Board Certification in Behavior Analysis at Rutgers University in New Jersey. Her clinical internship and post-doctoral fellowship were completed at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine.

Personal Life

Dr. Welterlin is native to France, but has spent most of her life in North Carolina. She has two amazing children, two adorable guinea pigs, and the best dog to ever live and never die :)  She has a deep love for nature and photogtaphy. Her special interests include her family, autism, mountain biking, plants, animals, organizing, traveling, adventures, and trying new things. 

In the more recent past, Dr. Welterlin discovered her own neurodivergence and the widespread neurodivergence in her own family. She not only brings a strong professional background to her work, but she is also informed by her extensive personal experiences. It is her utmost pleasure to share what she has learned (and is still learning) with others. 

Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again"   

~Nelson Mandela