Individual & Play Therapy
JASPER Child Play Therapy - Coming to NCAWAG in 2025!
NCAWAG is pleased to offer JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, & Regulation) a naturalistic, evidence-based play therapy for children aged 12 months to 8 years that supports social communication in neurodivergent children. Developed by Dr. Connie Kasari at UCLA, JASPER has been rigorously tested in randomized controlled research trials with over 700 children and has shown to significantly improve joint engagement, language, functional play skills, and emotion regulation. To learn more about JASPER, visit
We are currently accepting new waitlist applicants for JASPER Therapy at NCAWAG (coming in 2025).
Adult Psychotherapy
Therapists at NCAWAG support autistic and neurodivergent adults in individual psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, from psychoeducation about neurodiversity, to lifestyle management, to mental health concerns. Meetings typically occur weekly and are held either in person (Durham or Fuquay offices) or virtually.
NCAWAG IS currently accepting new adult therapy clients (immediate availability).
Adolescent / Teen Psychotherapy
Therapists at NCAWAG support autistic and neurodivergent adolescents and teens in individual psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, from psychoeducation about neurodiversity, to navigating school, to mental health concerns. Meetings typically occur weekly and are held either in person (Durham or Fuquay offices) or virtually.
NCAWAG IS currently accepting new adolescent / teen therapy clients (immediate availability).