
At NCAWAG, we believe in providing excellent clinical care.  We always strive to use the latest evidence based diagnostic and treatment methods.  However, we know there are major limitations in the applicability of current autism diagnostic methods on women and gender diverse individuals.  We also know that traditional talk therapy can have limited effectiveness for autistic individuals.  Our team of specialists engage in diagnostic and treatment services with flexibility, and individualized approaches rather than rigidly adhering to outdated standards and strict procedures. 


Therapists at NCAWAG support autistic children, teens and adults in individual psychotherapy for a variety of reasons, from psychoeducation about neurodiversity, to lifestyle management, to mental health concerns.  Meetings typically occur weekly and are held either in person or virtually.  Services with children typically involve meetings with caregivers.  Collaboration with other providers is common.

NCAWAG IS currently new therapy clients. 


Comprehensive autism assessments typically consist of interviews, review of records, a battery of tests (e.g., autism specific, intelligence, academic, adaptive, emotional, sensory, executive function, etc.), a detailed feedback meeting, and a comprehensive report with recommendations. Assessments are conducted partly virtually, and partly in person, with two PhD level evaluators.  When appropriate, out of office observations and contact with other service providers may be an aspect of the assessment.


Dr. Welterlin provides consultative services to individuals, families, and professionals who have questions about the diagnosis and/or treatment of autism.  Most consultations are 60 minutes, and include written feedback. 

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”  

~Albert Einstein