The Safe & Sound Protocol

The Safe & Sound Protocol

NCAWAG is pleased to offer clients The Safe & Sound Protocol, a short-term, non-invasive auditory intervention developed by UNC Chapel Hill's Dr. Stephen Porges. Backed by clinical trials, Safe & Sound is based on Dr. Porges' Polyvagal Theory, which focuses on how the nervous system responds to stress. Safe & Sound helps improve nervous system regulation in children and adults to support many symptoms and conditions autistic and other neurodiverse individuals experience, including depression and anxiety, sensory processing differences, sleep, chronic pain, and trauma. 

Polyvagal Theory: Chronic Nervous System Activation

Individuals diagnosed with autism and other forms of neurodivergence live in a world designed for neurotypical people and often suffer from hypervigilance, burnout, and trauma. Continuous stress chronically activates the autonomic nervous system and our "fight-or-flight" responses. Lifelong, constant challenges to the nervous system can make it harder for the nervous system to calm down and can produce the following symptoms: 

Why Safe & Sound?

Safe & Sound is designed to interrupt chronic nervous system activation. When listening to the Safe & Sound Protocol,  music with specially filtered frequencies that make us feel safe reduce hearing sensitivity and regulate the nervous system. These frequencies can be found in everyday sounds such as flowing water, blowing wind, or musical instruments. When our nervous systems are regulated and we feel safe, we are better equipped to respond to challenges, focus and learn, and develop positive, lasting social relationships. 

What to Expect

Safe & Sound at NCAWAG

NCAWAG is pleased to offer clients the Safe & Sound Core, a package of five  1-hour sessions with a Safe & Sound-certified provider present.  Total cost depends on each individual's needs, but ranges from  $75 for 30 minute meetings (15 minutes of listening) and $150 for 60 minute meetings (30 minutes of listening).  All clients must also complete an intake session ($200). 

While we understand the financial impact of Safe & Sound, the program is an investment towards long-term health and wellbeing. 

We are currently accepting clients for Winter Safe and Sound Therapy (available from Janruary - March 2025) and have a waitlist for Summer Safe and Sound Therapy (availabile Summer 2025). 

Safe and Sound Protocol Client Brochure

2024_SSP Client Brochure (11 x 8 in)_DIGITAL.pdf